Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'd like to welcome U home...

Recently, I began college at the University of Utah. I thought it was going to be the best thing ever. College. Finally. No more high school. So many people, new friends, new experiences... I was wrong. I thought I was going to love the U. But honestly, I wish I was going somewhere else. Somewhere that is not a commuter school. I want to be a close-knit school where I can meet tons of people all the time. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm very outgoing, but it's still hard to meet people when no body lives here. Stupid commuters. But there's not much that I can do, because I don't really want to transfer schools because of my roommates. However, if I could transfer, I would be headed to the University of Oregon. Darn you out of state tuition! I've decided to major in Mass Communications. I think it's probably due to the TV broadcasting class I took in high school and the positive feedback that I got about newscasting. I really enjoy TV Journalism. It's really fun. However, I would like to do Public Relations. Like, for a sports team or something. That would be so sick. I also think I am going to double major into Speech Communications because well.. if I'm gonna be a super hot tv star, I've gotta know how to speak, right?

On the upside! I have 3 roommates. Rachel, Kate and Jordan. I was really worried to move out and away from my dad and live with people I hardly know. Turns out, it has been one of the best experiences I've ever had. We're all so alike and we get along so well, it's insane! We all pretty much have the same sense of humor. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone in the complex thinks that there is an abusive relationship going on in our apartment due to the fact that everyone screams, "You stupid hooker!" or "Make me something to eat, WOMAN!" with a variety of other names such as stripper, cokewhore, etc. Kate has become one of my best friends. She's like my soul sister. We're pretty much the same person and all we do is laugh when we're with each other. It's cuhhhrazy how alike we are.

A while back, I worked for an assisted living home. Nearly a year and a half. Seriously, I wanted to kill myself. It was terrible. The management was terrible, well... the main nurse. I mean, shouldn't we at least have a first aid kit? So finally after a year and a half, I was able to break free! I was lucky enough to snag two jobs in this economy. Two jobs that I love! Working for the University definitely has it's perks! All my books paid for every semester that I work there? HECK YEAH! That's awesome. So much money saved. Stoked much? The second job is at Express. I was worried about working there because well.. I'm not too fashion forward. Heck, I send pictures of my outfit to my best friend Caitlin just to make sure that I look okay before I go out in public. Sad. I know. Don't judge. But as it turns out, I love it there and I love the people I work with. They're all so great and we get along very well. I guess it makes it a little easier knowing that my roommate knows how to dress so I basically just pick through her closet! haha.

Welp, see ya soon then.

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