Thursday, August 28, 2014

Country Road Take Me Home

So, it's only been over a year since I've last written in this God forsaken blog. Why I even bother to write in it now, I'm not quite sure. But I thought hey, why not? Here goes nothing.

In May of 2013, I packed my air-tight space bags full of clothes, stuffed everything I owned into the trunk and backseat of my small 2008 Chevy Cobalt and moved away from my beloved home for the past year of Citrus Heights, California. I left my best friends, the love of my life, my family and the life I was beginning to fall in love with (minus the terrible job. I was ready for that to be over) behind in the dust. Headed straight for my hometown of Salt Lake City, Utah and never looked back. I moved into the cutest little house in Sugar House, Utah with one of my best friends (even though she left me all summer and moved to Lake Tahoe. Great switch, right?) and started working full time and going to school. Full time.

So here I am, still working full time. Going to school. Full time. But thankfully I'm not still living in my cute little 4 bedroom house with my girl, Kate (we finally moved into our own NICE apartment). Since moving back home, I've reapplied to the University of Utah (Which I got into again, duh), enrolled in full time credit hours like a total boss. All while kicking ass and taking names. I'm working full time as a server/(crappy)bartender at Tucanos Brazilian Grill and it's a definite love/hate relationship. It varies on any given day. (Let's be honest, I'm really moody. It's a good thing my 2 best friends, Kate and Kyle, work there or I would've quit a long time ago. Probably.)
Meet Kate and Kyle

Tucanos Goes Hard for New Years

So blah blah blah, work, school, blah blah blah. Let's get down to the nitty gritty. Because that's the fun stuff. There isn't much to say about Halloween, because it's Halloween. So I'll just throw in some pictures of Kate and myself and show you how good we are at picking out $5 costumes from Walmart.

Halloween Part One

Halloween Part 2

So for Thanksgiving, I had a few choices. Go see my dad in Grand Junction, stay at home by myself and sleep, or fly to Denver with Kate to have Thanksgiving with the Murphy's. Can you guess which one I chose? 

Hashtag No Filter

Did you guess Denver? You did! Good job. Because I chose to fly to Denver with my very best friend to FINALLY meet her family (who I fell in love with, btw) and spend Thanksgiving with a bunch of people I'd never met. Luckily for me, her family is freaking awesome and I felt right at home. Throughout our trip, we went to a (my first) NHL game and watched the Ave's lose, Kate told some people I don't get out in public much, had Thanksgiving with the Grogans, met Kate's dad (where I was awkwardly introduced as Ryan's girlfriend...), went black Friday shopping with Paula, bar hopping with Ryan and completely fell in love with Denver, Colorado. Only to think we were going to miss our flight home because we had the wrong time and didn't check our luggage in like we were supposed to. Good thing we cheated the system and did it while we sat outside. Not to mention, Kyle, being the cutie that he is, emailed us a gift card for Starbucks and told us to travel home safe. (He knows us TOO good. He's so lucky to have two girlfriends.) Unfortunately, we made our flight and had to come home. I was NOT happy about that, because I was NOT ready to leave. Don't worry though, Denver. I'll be back. Sooner than you think! 

Then Christmas rolled around. I spent Christmas Eve working my tail off at Tucanos and then went home and sank on the couch only to watch terribly made Lifetime Christmas movies all night. Luckily for me, I got to go and have lunch at Mi Ranchitos with my favorite little ratchet cousins and go sleep on their couch as we celebrated Ryder's first birthday. Christmas. 

Now I'm probably a really crappy sister for not remembering when it actually happened... but ROBERT IS ENGAGED!! My cute older brother Bob is engaged to be married to the love of his life, Heather. She's a precious little thing and I'm pretty excited to call her my sister. It will be official as of April 12, 2014. They'll be married in the Saint George Temple. I'm so excited for my cute brother because he definitely deserves it, especially after everything we've been through when it comes to family! Heather is adorable and just loves him with all her heart (to be honest, I think I might have intimidated her, because I'm the littlest bit protective of him.) 


Well, April 12th has come and past and those two little lovebirds are officially married and moved to Salt Lake City. Thank goodness, it was a long time coming getting all the kids back to SLC. Their wedding, though small, was perfect. I'm not much of a crier, but I ended up crying much of the day. Not because I was so 'overcome with love,' okay maybe a little, but mainly because I'm jealous and the baby and not used to some other woman having my brothers attention. But if someone is gonna take the spotlight, I'm glad it's Heather. The wedding and reception were beautiful, & it couldn't have turned out better. They did an amazing job planning it! I couldn't be happier for them.

AND I finally completed my life-long dream of joining a sorority. I am a PROUD member of Alpha Phi Beta Sigma and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world. I wasn't blessed with any biological sisters of my own, but boy, did God had bigger things in mind for me. He knew what he was doing when he brought me here. These girls have more heart and soul than anyone I have ever met. There is always someone there to lend a helping hand, pick you up when you're feeling down and willing to grab a 6th piece of pizza with you. I'll be honest, going into Greek life, I was nervous that I wouldn't fit in with any of the girls because I don't come from a wealthy family, I wouldn't be accepted or I wouldn't enjoy it and waste my money. I was dead wrong. I have never, EVER regretted my decision nor will I. Regardless of if any of these girls have wealthy families, we get along and if they didn't, we get along. Acceptance? Instantly. Waste of money? Not a chance. I would do and am doing everything I can to remain apart of this incredible sisterhood. I couldn't imagine my life without these girls. With my dad being 4 hours away, they are my family. They are my support system. They are my study group, my 4pm coffee runs, my vent sessions and my 12am wipe my mascara off my face. These girls are my heart, my college experience, my fashion consultants, my 4th, 5th and 6th closets. My parents didn't give me sisters, but God gave me a lot more.

You're my kind of people and I feel like I'm home 

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